In Bethlehem

We rested very well in our hotel rooms. I slid the curtains and exhaled, "God, you mean I'm in your home live?" It was an awesome feeling. 

My mind flashed to a song I'm used to, O' Bethlehem of Judea, a little place among the Judea hills. Yet among you will one come fort to rule my people Israel."


Bethlehem is a beautiful city located five and half miles away from Jerusalem. It’s revered by the three religions in the world. Jews revere it as the birthplace and home town of King David and Rachael’s Tomb traditional site. Christians revere it as birthplace Jesus Christ; hence a beautiful church is built over the manger where Jesus was born. Moslems claim that Mohammed stopped over there on his way to Mecca.


Do you know what I felt as I sat in the manger where Christ was born thousands of years back? I was humbled. I shed little tears of joy. Who am I that God chose me to visit his Holy manger? I was speechless with my eyes glued to the charred black roof of the cave. 


We were prayerfully conducted round. We had an intelligent tourist guard, he had a good charm, and like never gets angry. We learnt slang from him, “Yala, yala”. That came often from him when he wants us to hurry up. 


We got used to telling each other, “Yala!!!” It was fun and made us laugh a lot. We felt warm in the winter chilly weather.


We didn’t miss our lunch. As soon as it was lunch time,we vacated. We had good lunch. 

Israel has a lot of healthy foods. Land flowing with milk and honey!



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